đã yêu rồi hiểu chưa

Je ne sais pas t’offrir des fleurs, je ne sais pas parler d’amour, c’est que peut – être j’ai dans le cœur, plus de tendresse que de discours. Souvent tu sais j’ai très envie, de te serrer entre mes bras. Pourtant j’hésite et je me dis, que tu vas te moquer de moi. Je ne sais pas te consoler, quand je vois que ça ne va pas, et je m’en veux de m’énerver, d’être à ce point si maladroit. Le soir venu quand du t’endors, quand je te sais trop fatiguée. Bien que je rêve de ton corps, je n’ose pas te réveiller. Je t’aime tu vois, mais je ne le dis pas. Je n’aime que toi, mais tu ne le sais pas. Je t’aime tu vois, plus fort de jours en jours. Je n’aime que toi comme on aime d’amour…

Đã yêu rồi hiểu chưa 

Je t’aime tu vois, một tựa nhạc Pháp cũ mà nhạc sĩ Phạm Duy đã đặt cái lời Việt rất chi “trơ trẻn” mà thực cũng rất hay: Đã yêu rồi hiểu chưa!?, cứ như là vụng về dịch từng chữ một từ lời ca gốc tiếng Pháp: Đã yêu rồi hiểu chưa, đã yêu nói sao cho vừa. Đã yêu rồi hiểu chưa, đã yêu sắt son không ngờ… Une chanson que j’écoute beaucoup ces temps ci, une chanson qui me rappelle de ce merveilleux visage d’ange…

the new ipad

Just got the new iPad (or we called it: the iPad 3) in hand today and I’m stunned by it’s new retina display. There’s not such a fever like when the iPad 2 was released, I guess since the new iPad is almost identical to iPad 2 in appearance, people will consider about the fact that they won’t be able to show it off. In term of general performance, iPad 3 does not stand out to the previous iPad, or it could be worse in term of 3D – OpenGL performance according to some reviews. From a programmer’s point of view, this could easily be understood since doubling the resolution means 4 times the memory and processing power for each graphics API, which also means Apple has been pushing things over the Moore law’s limit!

Personally I’m not really a passionate fan of these Mắc – Xinh – Tốt (Macintosh) assets, but professionally as a computer – graphics coder, I’ve always admired the prestigous 2D graphics tradition come with Apple’s products. Back to the retina display, on the left is a reduced – size screenshot of this blog taken on the iPad 3 (see full version here, it would take some times to load).

2048 x 1536 is a huge resolution that does magic to the vector things, e.g: displaying fonts! Not only the screen is much sharper, even at first look, its color tone appears to be truer, and the new iPad gamut covers 44% more into the sRGB color space compared to the previous iPad. The second picture: funny capture of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs autobiography put on – top the God of Wealth’s altar in our office 😀!

⓵⏎Mắc – Xinh – Tốt: a phonetical transcription of the name: Macintosh, which is a play–on–words, Mắc means: expensive, Xinh means: cute and Tốt means: good in Vietnamese 😀.

half moon dream

Quite busy lately and there’s little time for music and other hobbies. I’ve found these two Half moon dream (1 & 2) piano solo albums ideal for listening while working: familiar tunes of famous Vietnamese songs, which come in a distinctive and brilliant performance by Harold Mann.

Bao giờ biết tương tư (Bitter sweet) – Harold Mann 

Not only at work, sometimes at 2, 3 AM, I wake up, put on the headphone and pleasantly fall asleep into these half moon dreams, especially this one, a love song that inspires a feeling so profoundingly – pleasureful that I could have been smiling gently all the time in my sleep.