Back to the normal, procedural routines of: work, paddle, eat, sleep… then repeat those steps… the loop will be going on like that for a while. I’m gonna have some miscellaneous updates for my Hello World – 3, but for now, just more ‘harness’ physical exercising to regain and improve my endurance after a long Tết (new year) holiday. It’s so good to return from mountains to waters, as my lovely kayak is awaiting for more mileage to pass under her keel in the upcoming time.
This season of the year, there’s plenty of wind around, especially around Bình Khánh ferry area, a crossroad that has lots of turbulence. Sometimes it creates enough waves to feel like a surf, riding a long series of running waves is a very interesting experiences, and HW – 3 surfs really well, though it’s a bit harder to control compared to the shorter 14′ HW – 2. When I saw sailors on those big freighters who were all shooting videos of the kayak, I know that SHE IS beautiful and attractive! 😀
Since I haven’t equipped HW – 3 with a spray skirt and an electric water pump (that would be in the next months), I simply carry a small plastic bucket to drain the water out when it rains, it’s starting the rainy season. Continue more and more paddling with HW – 3, to get to really know her, to understand precisely how she would behave in various different conditions: sunny, rainy, windy, wavy, strong current… There’s a long way of practicing since I’m feeling I’m not ready still for longer voyages.