Kindle, I’m using it extensively for the time being, my reading list is growing huge with so much books, documents to be read. Kindle suits my needs very well, you can make side notes along the lines, like writing on the margins (similar to the layout of this website with notes putting on the left). These notes can later be synchronised to your laptop so that you can re – organise your random thoughts into systematic thinking and schedule. You can also use dictionaries without having to leave your reading. I’m still getting surprises on Kindle’s audio quality and its battery time, you can read, listen to music for weeks before having to recharge.
While I’m trying to develop some home – brew softwares for Kindle (including an email client), I’m also getting sympathised to Amazon’s designs. You would only got a special – purpose machine by removing odd features, confiding yourself to very specific needs, anything rather than reading is strictly restricted. Reading, taking notes, making investigations and drawing out plans are real pleasures, at least for the time being. Just want to discover what I wanna want to do until the time of vanishing out of this earthy world!
I used to criticise reading a lot, and I still do. We’d had generations of parrot – repeating readers already. You don’t have to read (at all), but whatever you read, do it thoroughly. I have to speak straight out, as many of our fellows pretend to read something other reads, listen to music other likes. But the cassock doesn’t make the priest
, literature, music… are of personal values. Whatever you read or listen does not matter, it does only matter if you can discover new things out of the contents. I apologise the true readers and listeners, this is specific to my environment only, I get disgusted with all those “fashionable things” going on around down town!