Without music, life would be a mistake!

Never has this German philosopher’s words rang true like this year end! Year end’s blues! I’m spending most of my time listening to Ravi Shankar’s ragas… the co-operation between sitar (Indian guitar), tabla (Indian percussion), surbahar (Indian bass guitar) and few other instruments… Splendid! Let listen to Ravi Shankar in this East meets West – Ragas in Minor scale (cowork with Philip Glass – Passages album – 1990)
Ragas in Minor scale - Ravi Shankar
Unlike Western conventional music, Indian traditional music does not base on harmony and chord, but rather bases directly on melody & rythm as the rawest elements. While the songs might sound a bit exotic to me, it’s truer and nearer to my nature of vibration (compared to the now everywhere-spreading comtemporary pieces).