dell inspiron mini 9

My new Dell Inspiron mini 9 notebook: the company laptop is far too heavy to carry back and forth daily, and this is really a cute tiny toy to have. Having dimensions briefly larger than a pencil, the notebook is really light, its display is bright and clear, sound is pretty good, and the external speaker is amazing for such a mini notebook.

This is a laptop with no moving part: hard disk is solid – state (16GB), no ventilating fan (the temperature is just right after long use). The disadvantage with the toy is that keyboard is quite small and strange, which may take times to get familiar with. Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) came pre-installed, and every softwares work out-of-the-box: graphics, sound, wifi, webcam…

The distro is a customized version for Dell called Netbook Remix, however, after a while, I get bored with that and switch to the default Gnome view. The good point is that mp3, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash, Sun Java… licenses come with the distro, there’s no need to hack for these stuffs. Please see below for some GUI screenshots.